The adventures of Inspector Bronco, a Mumbai police investigator constantly sent on an international mission to fight crime in all its forms.

Corus-CMF Page to Pitch Program

For the third year of a seven-year mandate, the CMF managed the Corus-CMF Page to Pitch program, which aims to support two distinct stages during the development period of a television project’s lifecycle: story and script development (Page); and acquisition of pre-sale financing from foreign broadcasters and distributors (Pitch). Projects supported through the program must be in one of the CMF-supported genres and can be in animation or live-action. This program is a result of Corus Entertainment’s acquisition of Historia, Séries+ and TELETOON and is in accordance with the CRTC’s Tangible Benefits Policy.

Corus-CMF Page to Pitch Program 2016-2017

      $ K Number of projects
Page English Animation 150 3
  French Animation 194 4
    Live Action 175 6
Total     519 13
Pitch English Animation 212 5
  French Animation 181 4
    Live Action 100 2
Total     493 11
Total Corus Program     1,012 24

The program budget for 2016-2017 was $1,200K. Total funding in 2016-2017 for the Corus-CMF Page to Pitch program amounted to $1,012K. Unspent funds, for a total of $188K, will be added to the budget allocation for the fourth year of the program.

In the Page sub-program, seven animation development projects received a total of $344K (five children’s & youth and two dramas), while six live-action projects received a total of $175K (five documentaries and one drama). For the Pitch sub-program, a total of $493K was awarded to nine animation development projects (six for children’s & youth, two for drama, and one for documentary), and two live-action projects (one children’s & youth and one documentary).  

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