Industry research reports, white papers and online resources.

Industry Research

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) monitors industry trends and developments to provide stakeholders with industry-specific information and forward-looking analyses of the evolution of the television and digital media marketplace through CMF Trends online. The website provides:

  • Hundreds of articles written by the CMF Industry and Market Trends team, as well as by collaborators and experts based in Canada and internationally.
  • Dozens of research reports, including our biannual reports on trends, providing insight into the challenges facing and opportunities available to Canadian producers and creators.
  • Data on Canadian media consumption patterns and major global trends to facilitate research and presentations. 

The CMF also publishes Crowdfunding in Canada online, providing an in-depth understanding of this funding practice from a perspective relevant to Canada’s creative industries. The online resources also provides a comprehensive list of platforms accessible to Canadian projects.

Some highlights from 2016-2017: 

  • Publication of 64 blog posts from a team of 25 collaborators and experts based in Canada and internationally.
  • Publication of a directory of Canadian export support programs and 12 research reports available in French and English.
  • International syndication of CMF Trends content with Pôle Média Grand Paris (France).
  • Crowdfunding in Canada website redesigned to facilitate content discovery, and the publication of 12 new articles in French and English.

Research reports published in 2016-2017: 

Title Partners Publication Description
Discoverability: Toward a Common Frame of Reference NFB, Telefilm Canada, CBC/Radio-Canada (MTM) May 2016 This first part of a report on the discoverability of Canadian content is intended as a means for the Canadian audiovisual industry and its stakeholders to develop a common understanding of the discoverability concept.
Trends Report: 2016 Mid-Year Update   July 2016

Mid-year update to the CMF’s 2016 Trends Report: Entering the Age of Experience.

How National Content is Defined in Canada and Selected Countries CMPA, Telefilm Canada, OMDC August 2016

This study examines how national content is defined in different jurisdictions for the purpose of accessing public support for feature film and television productions.

Discoverability Part 2: The Audience Journey NFB, Telefilm Canada, CBC/Radio-Canada (MTM) October 2016

The objective of this second part is to explore discoverability in greater depth, through the eyes of Canadian audiences: how they learn of the existence of content, how they make their choices, and these audiences’ main discoverability vectors.

International Performance of Drama Series in Nine Small TV Markets AQPM October 2016

The document presents detailed case studies on iconic TV series in several countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland) that shed new light on the conditions for producing drama series in these national markets.

Understanding and Engaging with Audiences Telefilm Canada, OMDC, Creative BC, SODEC November 2016

This report provides a summary of the audience data and trends that Telefilm has been measuring since 2012. Nielsen Media Research was retained to conduct the 2016 study.

Overview of existing Canadian export support programs   November 2016 Review of Canadian export support programs for producers who are seeking to develop new markets.
Women & Leadership: Study of Gender Parity and Diversity in Canada’s Screen Industries CMPA, OMDC, Creative BC, SODEC, Telefilm Canada, RBC January 2017 What are the strategies, programs and practices used in Canada and elsewhere in the world that have a positive effect on gender equality and cultural diversity in the screen industries? What lessons can be learned from the results of these strategies, programs and practices? This study attempts to answer these questions.
Trends Report 2017 -- The Digital Puzzle: Piecing Back Together the Content Value Chain   February 2017 How has the new audiovisual value chain been reconfigured? And which players are best positioned to make the most of it? These questions served as the framework for the 2017 edition of the Trends Report, in which the CMF examines the value creation opportunities that have emerged from this major industrial reorganization.
Measuring Success: The Impact of Interactive Digital Media in Ontario Interactive Ontario, OMDC, Ubisoft, CMPA, Bell Fund, City of Toronto February 2017 This study is aimed at better understanding the companies that make up Ontario’s interactive digital media (IDM) industry and the impact those companies have in Ontario.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Institut de la statistique du Québec, HEC-Montréal, MCCQ, MRIFQ, Organisation internationale de la francophonie, Telefilm Canada, Canadian Heritage, Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts de Montréal, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Printemps numérique, Culture Montréal February 2017 This report looks at the issues, methods, practices and innovations surrounding the production of statistics on digital cultural content.
Supporting and developing the Indigenous screen-based industry in Canada   March 2017 This document presents the main recommendations from a multi-stakeholder engagement process aimed at developing a strategy to better support the Indigenous screen-based sector in Canada.
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